Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Know Some Simple Tips of Watering Buffalo Lawn

Water is not just essential to humans; it is needed by the tiny buffalo lawn grass too. About 70 to 80% of lawn grass weight is of the water; hence people are very much concerned about watering lawns regularly in order to avoid damages. However, you should know that too less and too more of water might damage the grass. If the turf has been installed new then it is important to water it time to time. Proper watering will establish the new lawn and it will flourish in the coming years.

Tips to water buffalo lawn

1.    Pull the corner and insert any sharp tool in soil. This will give moisture the turf for a long time up to 3 or 4 inches.

2.    You need to make sure that water is reaching every corner of your lawn, no matter what watering system you are using. Usually, people miss out the edges which frequently dry faster than middle portion of the lawn. Even, the drying occurs near the building area too due to much heat. Hence, water such areas more.

3.    You can notice runoff in slope regions before soil gets moist. Therefore, ensure sufficient soak and don’t water when the runoff starts. Leave it for 30 to 60 minutes, and then start watering.

4.    When you see new roots in the soil, it becomes difficult to pull a corner and check below the turf; however you can use the tool to figure out the level of moisture.

5.    Try to water the turn early in mornings as there is less water loss during that time.

1 comment:

  1. Oh hey, I've heard about water buffalo lawn and in fact this is something that I am planning on doing this month. The only thing is, what type of lawn supplies would I need to start the project? This idea came to my mind ever since a few neighbors of mine have also been setting up water buffalo lawns.
