Tuesday, 21 April 2015

What are the main features of soft leaf buffalo turf grass?

Earlier only a single hard leaf variety of buffalo grass was available in Australia. However, in the 1970s and later the turf farmers experimented with this variety and created several soft leaf buffalo varieties that became extremely popular in the country. These soft leaf varieties are all warm season grasses and they also look very aesthetic. At the same time, they also require less maintenance compared to other grass types. However, there is some basic care to be taken while choosing herbicides for these grasses.

The varieties like Sir Walter are more tolerant to selective herbicides but most other varieties are not. Nowadays there are many herbicides especially meant for buffalo grasses available in the market, but you have to conduct your own research in order to discern which herbicide is the best suited for your lawn.

One of the best sources of this information will be your soft leaf buffalo turf supplier. This is because most suppliers also prove to be consultants for their customers. They not only help their customers to choose the variety of grass most suited for them, but they also advise the customers on the maintenance of their lawn. Another thing to be kept in mind with this variety of grass is that you cannot mow it too short – in other words you cannot scalp it. This is because this variety of grass only has stolons which are above ground runners. Hence, if you mow the grass too close to the ground, it will die. There are other things to be considered like the amount of fertilisers to be applied to the varieties of buffalo and also the amount of water.

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