Tuesday, 21 April 2015

What you need to know about Sydney turf?

Sydney turf is very popular nowadays among people who love to have a yard and a garden. There are many suppliers of turf grass in Sydney and other cities of Australia. These suppliers have their own user friendly websites which provide complete details about the varieties of turf supplied by them. These suppliers often have years of experience in the field due to which they are able to advise their customers on the different varieties of turf grasses that will be most suitable for them. The choice of grasses depends on the amount of sunlight or shade, the moisture in the soil, the traffic expected, etc. Although grasses can be classified into two major categories – Cold weather grasses and warm weather grasses.

The warm weather grasses like buffalo are the most popular varieties of Sydney turf. The best part is that the suppliers not only advise you regarding the best turf grass, but also advise you on the maintenance of the turf. Some of the details that you can glean from the turf suppliers are the kind of fertiliser to be used, the type of herbicides that you need to use, and the amount of water to be given to the turf lawn. This is because some varieties like Buffalo are sensitive to herbicides and shown not are mown too short. On the other hand, some grasses do not require much water while others are suited for wet soil. All these factors determine the health and hence the beauty of your lawn and its longevity.

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